Taking up the eMobility charge

The Challenge

How do you accelerate the transition to EVs for a US business audience?

The current US administration has pledged $7b investment into eMobility. Every US state is able to access these funds, providing they can present a credible plan for improving EV infrastructure through a number of geographical ‘corridors’ identified by the US Government.

This was going to be the most influential change in US transport strategy and infrastructure since the railroads and EY saw an opportunity to advise its clients on the development of new unexplored business models for different aspects of the entire EV infrastructure.

The Brief

EY asked Nuevo to develop a ‘EV infrastructure vision’ campaign to demonstrate the business potential in this brave new frontier for the US.


Nuevo recognised that the only way to gain significant momentum and US media coverage would be to ensure the 80 most influential electrical utilities companies not only understood the opportunity, but also were on board with it - this became a key marketing objective.

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We collaborated with EY to bring a new movement to life - The National Corridor Coalition. We wanted to ensure that the full weight of the initiative was fully-endorsed by the US utilities’ business.

We felt the best way to land this cause was to ground the campaign idea in familiar US cultural territory - the iconic US road trip.

We used this powerful metaphor to make the point that this was the most important trip the great country would embark on since the dawn of the railroads. And to demonstrate that the EV infrastructure in place, and growing through EY’s network, is a concrete part of today, not a distant dream in the future.

A lean crew, travelling in EVs, captured road trip style footage on the ground across different parts of California, whilst the remainder was carefully curated using existing stock footage, to keep the carbon footprint as low as possible.

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All 80 US electrical utilities companies signed up to the Coalition and have used their own collective media muscle to create momentum for the Coalition’s mission, and drive home the message that EY are pivotal to accelerating wider EV adoption.

EY is delighted to work with Nuevo. Nuevo has helped us on a number of our projects over the last year, really helping us to bring innovative content to life and share them with both our EY staff and our clients.

Marc Coltelli
EY Global Energy Strategy & Operations Leader